LTC AENIGME workshop held in Bordeaux ENSAM

The LTC AENIGME workshop took place on April 24 and 25, 2023 at ENSAM and the University of Bordeaux, sites of the various departments of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering of Bordeaux (I2M). The seminar brought together for 2 days, 50 teacher-researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral students, including around twenty simultaneously. An assessment of current and future work was carried out on themes concerning Ecodesign, Sustainable Processes, Sustainable Processes simulation, in-service Behaviour, Thermal aspects of processes and testing, Additive manufacturing, Materials and components for the H2 economy, Twin Models and Circular Economy.
Currently, various projects are being evaluated, including:
- "DIMCOVER" in the framework of HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-12 - ADAPTIVE MULTI-SCALE MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION SUITES FROM LAB TO PRODUCTION. The consortium includes 16 partners and 2 affiliated entities from 6 different EU-countries and Switzerland: 5 Universities (UPV/EHU, LTU, IMDEA, ENSAM/UB, ICHEC), 5 RTOs (TECNALIA, LORTEK, MPIE, CEA, CSEM), 5 SME/Industries (IDENER, ACERINOX, ALMATECH, ELCOGEN, ZABALA) and 1 national standardization association (UNE).
- “BAMBI", Atlantic Arc call, with 4 partners (one from Ireland, Portugal, UPV/EHU, UB), and concerning additive manufacturing.
- "ADDIGREEN", SUDOE call, with 10 partners including (UPV/EHU, UB, ENSAM, ESTIA) and also concerning additive manufacturing and generative design.
An MSCA project will be represented in the next call for projects (May-November 2023) concerning digital twins (DIGITWINS).