Miren Cajaraville from the LTC AquEus attended the press conference of the annual campaign Zero Zabor Uretan in Bilbao

Yesterday, July 3, a press conference was held in Bilbao, organized by MATER Itsas Museo Ekoaktiboa on the occasion of the annual ZERO ZABOR URETAN campaign, in which Miren Cajaraville, Principal Researcher at LTC AquEus, took part,
Together with the PiE (Plentzia Marine Station) researchers who are part of the LTC, they have been collaborating with MATER for the past 4 years on several research projects and joint activities related to micro- and nanoplastics, with the aim of ensuring that their knowledge of plastic pollution reaches the whole of society.
Strengthening the science-society partnership is essential if we are to change people's habits and move towards a plastic-free society.
The Laboratory for Transborder Cooperation LTC AquEus, created this year, is an essential tool for achieving this goal.